Why are our automatic systems are important?
What is thermal stratification?
Higher water temperatures correlate with higher residual disinfectant loss and higher biological growth.
It prevents new, fresher water from mixing with old water. The warm unmixed water in the top of your tank can be trapped for days. This water loses its residual disinfectant and grows disinfection byproducts, compromising the overall water quality.
Do You Know The
Quality Of The Water In Your Tank?
The Blue Fusion Advantage
The patented design continuously blends the cooler water from the bottom of the tank through the thermocline and into the warmer water above. This process decreases water age and DBP formation.
With blended water from the blue fusion mixing system, the thermocline is eliminated through mixing all water inside the tank, reducing DBP’s and improving overall water quality.

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How to keep water clean in a storage tank?
We’ve have developed a novel mixing technology, known as Blue Fusion, to eliminate thermal stratification more effectively. Get more information by submitting a request below.
How to Eliminate
this Problem?
Install a mixing system that proactively:
Limits water age
Lowers water temperature
Limits deterioration of disinfectant
chemicals –which leads to disinfection byproducts.Raises water quality throughout the entire tank (including upper part of tank)
Blue Fusion pumps are accessible 24/7 at the exterior base of the tank. The system can be repaired while the tank remains in service.
Our Resolved Analytics
Report About our Tank Cleaning System
Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Our device mixes by both moving cold water to the top of the tank and by
creating water circulation patterns within the reservoir. It has the further advantage of aerating the water due to splashing when the tank level is less than 100% capacity.
The Blue Fusion design has been verified to be an efficient thermal mixer and aerator of small to large water tanks.
The Blue Fusion system provides THM reduction through aeration that on-market devices do not provide. Run continuously, THM levels should be reduced by more than 50%.

The Blue Fusion design has been verified to be an efficient thermal mixer and aerator of large municipal water tanks.

Do You Want Our Full CFD Report?
Click To Download Report.
After 4 hours, 77% of the tank has been aerated to >1% saturation. Download report and see how awesome we are.
Thermal stratification of a fluid in storage tank is a natural process that takes place due to the decreased density of the fluid at higher temperature. This natural process creates a transition zone temperature gradient between cold and hot fluid zones, called the thermocline.
A thermocline the transition layer within your water tank between warmer mixed water and cooler deep water below. Stratification of a fluid in storage tank is a natural process that takes place due to the decreased density of the fluid at higher temperature.
Stratified tanks are useful for maximizing the thermal energy efficiency of non-continuous and semi-continuous processes. Liquid at two or more dissimilar temperatures is stored within the same tank to provide a buffer for variations in heating and cooling loads.